Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Dalston and Beyond presents...

The Dinner Party Project
A series of dinner parties in Dalston homes
where 6 strangers meet,
eat homecooked dinners
and be merry for a night

Event orchestrators : Marg Laing and Emma Hogan

Email : dalstonandbeyond@googlemail.com


Michael said...

Ello, cheers for all were involved in the organizing and cooking and hospitality of the Dalston Dinner Party Project. It was great fun. Well 'orchestrated' Marg and Emma.

Anonymous said...

All right.
Very pleasant evening with just a hint of randomness to spice things up!
Worked for me.
Thanks tons to everyone.
Best Regards
Toby (Grateful guest)

auds story said...

THANK YOU to all involved who organised for us to be entertained. so nice that everyone cooked such lovely food for complete strangers in their homes...such lovely hospitality. So rare in London! Many Thanks xx